Invisible Threads

Invisible Threads
Have you ever noticed how people sometimes look at others differently just because they don't have nice clothes or a fancy job?, It’s like they’re wearing invisible glasses that only see money and status. It hurts my heart every time I see this happen.
Last week, I saw a little girl hugging our building's cleaning lady. The girl didn't care that the lady's clothes had stains from work or that she wasn't rich. She just saw the kindness in the lady's eyes and the warmth in her smile.
You know what’s wild? Every person you walk past has a story that could make you laugh, cry, or just sit in silence for a while. Take the old man who serves tea at the corner shop. He raised three kids all by himself after his wife passed away. He doesn’t have much money, but his eyes light up like Diwali fireworks when he talks about how his daughter just became a teacher. That’s the kind of wealth no bank can measure.
Sometimes I wonder—why do we judge people by what’s in their pocket instead of what’s in their heart? My mother used to say, “Money can buy you a bed, but it can’t buy you peaceful sleep.” Back then, I thought she was just being poetic. Now I realize the real meaning.
The whole caste system thing? It's like someone decided to organize humans like a wardrobe - keeping some people in the "special occasion" section and others in "daily wear." But here’s the truth: We all sneeze when we sniff pepper. We all cry when onions chop us. We all dance badly in the shower. We’re the same messy, glorious disaster in this beautiful life :)
Remember that security uncle everyone ignores? Yesterday, I saw him sharing his lunch with a stray dog. He didn't have much food himself, but his heart was rich enough to share. These are the moments that remind me what being human really means.
I've cried thinking about how we sometimes treat people who clean our streets or serve our food. They work so hard, yet some people won't even look them in the eye or say "thank you." Don't they deserve the same respect as anyone else? Don't their dreams matter too?
Every morning, I see people rushing to their offices in fancy cars, while others wait for crowded buses. But here’s the thing: both groups have the same hopes, fears, and dreams. Both laugh when they’re happy and cry when they’re sad. Both have someone waiting for them at home. And both probably complain about the traffic.
So next time you see someone society tells you to ignore, stop for a moment. Look into their eyes. Share a smile. Ask them how their day is going. Because every time we treat someone with kindness, we make this world a little less broken, a little more beautiful.
If this made you cry (or at least made you feel something more than what you feel when your food delivery gets delayed ;) ), I want you to make a promise to youself. Set aside ₹1000 each month for those who need it more than your next shopping spree. That's just three shots or one movie with popcorn! Think about it - you could be someone's plot twist in their story of struggle.
We're all connected by invisible threads of humanity.Because at the end of the day, we're all just trying our best in this messy, beautiful thing called life. ❤️
forgive me for the long post, This was my heart overflowing with feelings that have been building up for years. Sometimes you just have to let your heart speak :)