Generics in TypeScript

How Email Works ?
Recently I was building a Hobby Project which was entirely based on emailing services, I decided to host my own Email server to avoid extra costs and But a little I did know was Emailing is a RatHole.
When I dived into it more, I realised that my understanding of the entire emailing conccept wrong; over the time I tried to understand what email is excatly and how it works.
let me share with y'all :)
Ever wondered How Emails Work, Who are delivering the electronic letters or more known as "Emails"
When You send a email there is a lot that happens in the background to send to recipitant,
Email is a system for sending and receiving messages over the internet. It works by using a protocol called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send messages between servers.
When a user wants to send an email, they can use a client program, such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail, to compose and send the message. The client program connects to the user's email server, which is a computer that stores the user's email messages and handles sending and receiving messages.
The email server uses SMTP to send the message to the recipient's email server. The recipient's email server then delivers the message to the recipient's email client, which is the program they use to access their email.
In addition to SMTP, other protocols are also involved in the email process. For example, the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) and the Post Office Protocol (POP) are used to retrieve messages from the email server and download them to the user's email client.
To simplify, we can say that the email client is the program that users use to access and manage their email, and the email server is the computer that stores and handles the sending and receiving of messages. The protocols, such as SMTP, IMAP, and POP, are the technical rules and instructions that enable the email client and server to communicate and exchange messages.