**About the authors** Author: Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles - Héctor García Héctor García is a citizen of Japan, where he has lived for over a decade, and of Spain, where he was born. He is the author of several books about Japanese culture, including two worldwide bestsellers, A Geek in Japan and Ikigai. A former software engineer, he worked at CERN in Switzerland before moving to Japan. - Francesc Miralles Francesc Miralles is the award-winning and internationally bestselling author of books about how to live well, together with the novels Love in Small Letters and Wabi-Sabi. Alongside Héctor García, he was welcomed to Okinawa in Japan, where the inhabitants live for longer than in any other place in the world. There they had the chance to interview more than a hundred villagers about their philosophy for a long and happy life **My Opinion**: ![circle of life](https://qphs.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0ca71ee424adc10d38e49ee7bc25aab7-lq) This is the Basic IKIGAi motive, The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai – a reason to jump out of bed each morning. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa – the world’s longest-living people – finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life. Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions. They wish to Royally like they used to leave when they were playing, what they forget is they don't have a passive income now! If ever there was a book to help you step back, slow down and contemplate on the meaning of life, this would be it. The pace is unhurried and that is exactly how you should read the book. Not in a single sitting but over a week or ten days. Savour each chapter, make notes, write things down when they touch a chord. Ikigai helps you understand so many beautiful things in the sheer simplicity in which it's conveyed. In an increasingly cynical world, we all need ikigai. Please do read the book for INNER-PEACE. _Kindle Edition: 208 pages_