**About the authors**

Sudha Murty

Smt.Sudha Murty was born in 1950 in Shiggon north Karnataka, she did her B.tech in BVB college of engineering specialized in Electronics and electricals. She got her masters in IISC Bengaluru. now she is the chairperson of the INFOSYS Foundation. She is a prolific, excellent writer. Some of her books consist of, Dollar bahu, Mahashweta, The old man and his god. etc…
Smt. Sudha Murty was the recipient of the R.K.Narayan award for literature and the Padma Shri in 2006 and the attimabbe award by the Government of Karnataka.

**My Opinion**:

Three Thousand Stitches a heartwarming, soothing collection of 11 short inspiring stories of Sudha Murty’s life. time flies when you are reading this book.

Two decades ago when she tried to make changes in the DEVDASIS’S life they threw chappals at her, when she went for the second time they threw tomatoes at her instead of taking this as a strict no she took this incident as an improvement from chappal to tomatoes. then she changes her approach, perseveres, and earns the trust of the Devadasis. Slowly, and surely the changes occur at the grassroots. The women march towards a sense of financial independence by starting a bank and send the children to be educated. That was the mindset Sudha Murty had. Like this, she has shown her various courageous, powerful, inspiring short stories in her book called Three Thousand Stitches.

The highlight of this inspiring story is the straight-from-the-heart storytelling style of Sudha Murty. No attempt at weaving together complex and pretentious sentences. Just simple and effective storytelling! I love this! Must read her other books!

_Kindle Edition: 256 pages_